And I guess there's also Sepe's Cumshot, the infamous and really quite charming masturbation browser game, which although it does require you to stroke Sepe to the proverbial, it's via a disembodied hand that isn't attached to anyone but your cursor. The last time I saw a decent dick in a game I think it was that Skyrim dick mod I wrote about, and those were just dicks for show. Hotel Dusk is for 'children' or whatever. I'd be a lot into seeing Kyle Hyde from Hotel Dusk's dick, rendered in grayscale silhouette, but no. You don't even get to see a brutally hot guy like Geralt's dick. Lamentably, there aren't many good dicks in games.
It occurs to me, as my character is in the middle of a quite graphic fantasy about being 'examined' by a hot blonde anatomy professor, that this is the first time I've played a game where someone has touched someone else's dick.